The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
Feeling Stuck? It's Ok.
Sometimes we feel stuck and that’s okay. Here’s what to tell yourself if you need to get unstuck.
Feeling Hopeless? Say These 12 Things to Yourself Now.
Sometimes it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Self-talk is key when you’re feeling depleted and hopeless. Say these 12 things to yourself to help you envision better days ahead.
Affirmations to Bring You Peace and Confidence
15 affirmations to usher peace and confidence into your life on the daily
Want to Practice Self-Love? Say "No More" To These Things Immediately.
Self-care isn’t always bubble baths and rosé, there’s a whole lot of work that needs to happen to clear the path before you can enjoy that bath.
10 Lies You Need To Stop Believing Immediately (Because You Deserve to Live A Very Happy Life)
Rid yourself of limiting beliefs by stopping these 10 lies from creeping into your mind.
13 Things To Stop Doing ASAP (That'll Move Your Life Forward)
Life is like riding a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.
18 Things That Don't Define You
mistaking that your worth, importance and who you are is defined by what you do, how you look, and who you are in the eyes of the world can result in sweeping, general anxiety. here are the 18 things that don’t define you.
Hack Your Anxiety With This One Little Trick
We all struggle with anxiety. So, here’s the hack i use when my mind is racing, my lungs are tight and I feel like my world is crashing down on me.
How To Find The Right Kind Of Therapy For You
Ready to take the big step towards actually seeing a therapist? CONGRATS! But, where do you even start? We’re here to help.
How to Forgive When You Don't Get The Apology You Want (Or One At All)
They hurt you. You’re sad. They don’t apologize (or you don’t like their attempt at an apology). How do you forgive them?
Advice for Your Achy Breaky Heart After That Big Breakup
Breakups suck. That's why I asked my friends on the Internet to share the best advice they've given or received re: achy breaky hearts.
Why the New Key To Your Success is Forgiveness
Positive vibes guru and #1 New York Times Best-Selling Author, Gabby Bernstein shares why the F-Word (forgiveness) is the key to unlocking success in your life.
Can Social Media Actually HELP Anxiety?!
We've all heard that social media can increase anxiety, but have you ever thought about how it can help you get your emotions in check?!
5 Ways to Practice Self-Love This Valentine's Day (And Always TBH)
February is all about love...but how much of that effort are you putting into loving yourself? Here are 5 easy ways to implement self-love!
10 Steps To Waking Up Earlier (Even If You Hate Mornings)
Need help hittin' the hay? Pegah has 10 tips for waking up earlier.
Curb Your Anxiety by Letting Go of These 10 Things STAT
Stressed out? Drained!? Been there. Here are 10 things you need to let go of STAT to find more peace in your life.