Curb Your Anxiety by Letting Go of These 10 Things STAT

Have you been feeling stressed and anxious, but aren’t exactly sure why? Been there! If you are experiencing or dealing with any of the following from this list, it could be time to make some positive changes in your life. Your health and sanity is far too precious, and there should be zero room for negativity. 



  1. THE NEED TO BE PERFECT. Say goodbye to any idea of perfection. In all seriousness, we are ALL imperfectly perfect, and that is beautiful. 

  2. GRUDGES. Have you had trouble apologizing to a friend? Are you still constantly thinking about that one, annoying thing your co-worker did to you six months ago? Let it go. Move on. They are not worth it. 

  3. COMPARISON. Comparison truly is the thief of joy. I preach this often because I find myself in “the comparison trap” often. You are unique. You are you. You are not worthy of comparison. 

  4. PEOPLE PLEASING. This is a tough one. Do you find yourself having trouble saying no? Do you involve yourself in activities but dread everything leading up to it? Why do we do this to ourselves? We need to learn to stop people pleasing. If you do not want to do something, be vocal. Don’t do it. 

  5. TOXIC FRIENDS. Do you feel uplifted and energized after hanging out with friends? If so, wonderful! However, if you find that you have been getting dragged down by a friendship, it may be time to reflect on it. Healthy relationships - romantic and non-romantic - are crucial to a stress-free life. 

  6. YOUR EGO. We are not number one, and that is ok. We should never get to a point where we feel as though there is no room to learn. We should always be growing and striving to learn from those who ARE better than us in certain areas of life. 

  7. JUDGEMENT. I’ve been there. You’re with your friends, a topic comes up, and the conversation suddenly leads to “so and so does this all the time”. I always regret it after, so why do we do it? We have to actively shut down judgement or judging others. It will do nothing positive for us. Judging someone and engaging in gossip says more about you than it does about them in most cases. Keep your hands and thoughts clean...your conscience will thank you for staying out of a situation that probably has nothing to do with you  

  8. FOCUSING ON YOUR FLAWS. Why point out flaws when you can focus on the things you are GOOD at?! The things that make you special, unique, the things that make you, well…YOU? Imperfectly perfect, babes. 

  9. UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS. Have you ever driven yourself crazy over an unrealistic scenario that you want to happen? Been there. It can lead to disappointment, which can lead to you not having the best mood. One of the best things I have learned in my 20’s: let go of all expectations. 

  10. YOUR PAST. CRUCIAL. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for using the past to show progress and healthy change. However, if you remain fixated on things that happened in your past for the wrong reasons, it could be super toxic. I encourage you to let that go. What’s done is done.

Let’s be real, we all want to be happy. Why allow the things listed above to get in the way of that? We DO have control over our happiness, so let’s stop standing in our own way. 

This article is written by Pegah Olfat. Pegah is a NASM CPT, a lead Indoor Cycling Instructor for a boutique cycling studio and Women's Fitness Specialist. She is extremely passionate about nutrition. Having struggled with orthorexia for six years, she has a heart for women of all ages who have or has had an eating disorder. In 2015, she made peace with her body and decided it was time to make a change. Thanks to her faith and support of her loved ones, she overcame this, discovered self-love, body positivity and balance. It is now her goal to help women and be there for them throughout their specific journeys. 


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Pegah is a NASM CPT, a lead Indoor Cycling Instructor for a boutique cycling studio and Women's Fitness Specialist. She is extremely passionate about nutrition. Having struggled with orthorexia for six years, she has a heart for women of all ages who have or has had an eating disorder. In 2015, she made peace with her body and decided it was time to make a change. Thanks to her faith and support of her loved ones, she overcame this, discovered self-love, body positivity and balance. It is now her goal to help women and be there for them throughout their specific journeys. 

Curb Your Anxiety by Letting Go of These 10 Things STAT

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