The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
Improve Your Mental Health by Taking the Stress Out of Tax Season
TAX SEASON IS HERE, Y’ALL. Whether you’re a freelancer, in a monogamous relationship with your full time gig, juggle a full-time job and a freelance hustle, or own your own business—filing your taxes online can be straightforward AND save you money. Learn all about what I did to cut the stress and get ahead with H&R Block.
Add Positivity to Your Day With Virtual Pep Talks
What turns my day around and keeps me going? Mantras and positive affirmations. Words hold a lot of meaning, so it’s important to choose wisely what you say to yourself each day. The right mantra has the power to motivate you to achieve your goals and make each and every day a great one. Introducing, Virtual Pep Talk, on Amazon! An Alexa Skill created by me for you.
How To Turn Your Instagram Into A Cash Money Making Machine
If I had a $1 for every single time someone asked me how to make money on social media...
Podcast: How To Go From 9 to Thrive
Mandy had the incredible honor of being a guest on the personal development podcast Switch, Pivot or Quit. We dig into topics like mental health, finances, and JOMO (joy of missing out!). Plus listen until the end because that’s when Mandy shares how she lost out on money for simply not asking and she shares how she started working with a talent manager. Buckle up because this is a very full and juicy chat!
How to See How Clothes Fit On Different Body Types While Online Shopping At ASOS
ASOS has long been known for its size inclusive ways (petite, curve, tall, and maternity) and has begun featuring products on multiple models of different sizes.
Does Social Media Depress You? Implement These 5 Tips STAT
Social media has so many positives, but it can also have a major downside when it comes to your mental health. Implement these 5 tips to create a healthy relationship with social media.
Can Social Media Actually HELP Anxiety?!
We've all heard that social media can increase anxiety, but have you ever thought about how it can help you get your emotions in check?!
Kids Describe Their Dream Jobs on Sesame Street and It's The Most Inspiring Thing Ever
How Elmo and friends are bringing hope and education to children around the globe
15 Tips for Stepping Up Your Boomerang Game
Boomerang Game Make and Race | Love Boomerang? Play the latest Boomerang games for free at Cartoon Network. Visit us for more free online games to play.
How to Make Your Instagram Grid Look Like a PRO'S
What is an Instagram Grid | For many the grid layout of Instagram is not afforded much attention, but for very aesthetic-driven users, the grid is everything. It's these users