10 Lies You Need To Stop Believing Immediately (Because You Deserve to Live A Very Happy Life)

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1. “Everyone else has it all together. I’m a total mess.” (Comparison the thief of joy and chances are you have no clue what’s going on behind-the-scenes or in the heart/minds of others) ⁣

2. “Everyone is out to get me. I just don’t fit in and I’m always misunderstood.”⁣

3. “Nothing ever works out for me. I always get the short end of the stick. Others have it way easier and I just have terrible luck. The odds are always against me.”⁣

4. “If I say and/or do ________________, they’ll finally change and become the person I need them to be.”⁣

5. “This is too good to be true. Something bad is about to happen since everything is going so well.”⁣

6. “I’ll just get to that later.” (The most popular lie we tell ourselves. No one knows what the future holds. Time is precious. If you wait for the perfect moment when all is safe + assured, it just may never arrive. Live everyday like it’s your last). ⁣

7. “If I just had ________________, I would be really happy and life would be amazing.” (Google “destination addiction” prepare to be 🤯 because most of us are low key addicts) ⁣

8. My worth is determined by my performance. ⁣

9. “I can’t live without ___________.” (Spoiler alert: you actually can. Our psyches possess an incredible ability to adapt to what’s available in our environments to get all of our needs met and keep ourselves happy. Heartbreak, loss, financial crisis—life is tough, but so are you 💪🏻) ⁣

10. “I’m too old and it’s too late for me to do that.” (Fun facts: Leonardo Da Vinci turned 51 the year he painted the Mona Lisa AND Colonel Sanders opened his first KFC franchise at the age of 61. Get to work, boo.) ⁣

What lies are you holding on to and which ones are you letting go of? You spend a lot of time in your mind, make sure it’s a happy place. Stop feeding it negative lies and replace it with truth. ⁣

Always cheering you on as you chase happiness and success. ⁣

Your Virtual BFF⁣


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