The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
How to Find Your Inner Calm When the World Feels Like…A Lot
When life feels overwhelming, the key to inner peace isn’t about controlling everything around us; it’s about focusing on what’s within our reach. By letting go of others’ opinions, expectations, and actions, we free ourselves to focus on our choices, our reactions, and how we care for ourselves and others. This post explores how grounding ourselves in what we can control brings true calm and includes practical tips to reclaim peace during chaotic times. From creating daily rituals to setting social media boundaries, discover small ways to find calm when the world feels like…a lot.
Hands are the first thing to show signs of aging. Here’s every product you Need for smooth, Young Hands.
The best wrinkle is the one you never get, and, well, sorry to break it to you, but the first signs of aging appear on your hands. So, let’s find you that good stuff that’ll help keep your hands hydrated, soft and silky.
COVID Vaccine Shot #2: Everything You Need to Know
Here’s an in-depth look at getting the second COVID vaccine and a round-up of helpful resources for all of your questions and vaccine-locating needs.
10 Steps To Waking Up Earlier (Even If You Hate Mornings)
Need help hittin' the hay? Pegah has 10 tips for waking up earlier.
How To Avoid The Comparison Trap (And Up Your Self-Esteem)
Comparison is the thief of joy. So, how do we hold on to our joy and let go of comparison?
21 Things You Need to Buy to Snooze Like Sleeping Beauty
Sleep forward products you can buy for yourself or gift to the nap queen in your life
Curb Your Anxiety by Letting Go of These 10 Things STAT
Stressed out? Drained!? Been there. Here are 10 things you need to let go of STAT to find more peace in your life.