The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
Changing Your Mindset With Positive Affirmations
If you’ve wanted to change your mindset, the power of positive thinking can have a significant impact on your spiritual and mental well-being.
Trader Joe's Beauty & Wellness Finds to Heal From Winter
Trader Joes is a goldmine for more pretty much anything and everything, but you really need to know about these skincare items that will help heal your dry winter skin.
COVID Vaccine Shot #2: Everything You Need to Know
Here’s an in-depth look at getting the second COVID vaccine and a round-up of helpful resources for all of your questions and vaccine-locating needs.
Your Guide to Self-Care in the NYC During Covid
If 2020 taught us anything, it is that self-care is really essential. Here is your guide to the best places to practice self-care in NYC during COVID.
The Ultimate Healthy NYC Delivery + Takeout Guide
In the age of delivery everything, you need to know the best spots full of healthier options for all of your delivery desires.
Bath's Can't Solve Everything, But They Can Lower Stress. Here Are Some Tips To Find Your Zen In The Bathtub.
Even in the best of times, a relaxing bath is a legit way to decompress. Few things melt away the ordinary stressors of daily life like a warm-to-scalding, sudsy soak. Now, when stressors have become anything but ordinary, it might make sense to likewise level up the bath in order to meet the day’s unprecedented toll on the psyche.
Protecting Your Mental Health During the Pandemic That is Coronavirus
WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE, AMIRITE?! Ok, I’ll admit…all the Quarantine memes can be pretty funny, but, in all honesty—the world is going through a lot of turmoil right now because of the Coronavirus. And, well, it can be triggering. If all the Coronavirus talk is causing you to feel all sorts of emotions—you’re not alone and you shouldn’t be ashamed.
9 Ways To Let Go of Regret (And Live a Happier Life STAT)
regret. it makes us believe that if we did things differently, things would be better right now. sometimes it’s true and other times it’s not. our relationship with regret can keep us stuck in the past and unable to make healthy decisions for the future.
Clear Your Energy + Ditch Negativity With This Easy Meditation
Clear your energy and cut those unhealthy cords with a simple meditation by Gabby Bernstein
10 Travel Essentials for the Fitness Minded Babe-on-the-Go
Stay active while traveling with these 10 travel-friendly fitness accessories
The Secret to Changing Your #Mood? Morning Mantras.
Did you know the most powerful thing you can do is to change the way you feel about yourself?