The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
11 Things to Stop Doing ASAP (To Live a More Positive Life)
Starting doing less of these 11 things to live a happier life
Feeling Stuck? It's Ok.
Sometimes we feel stuck and that’s okay. Here’s what to tell yourself if you need to get unstuck.
Unsolicited Life Advice from a Rainy Day in New York
Always be the best person you can be. Be kind even when you’re tired. Be understanding even when you’re angry. Do more than you’re asked, and don’t ask for anything in return. Don’t silently expect anything either. Listen when someone talks, and really listen too, stop just thinking of how you’ll reply. Tell people that you love them and that you appreciate them.
12 Things to Leave Behind
Whenever a new year begins, we talk a lot about what we want to add into our life. Have you ever wondered why we don’t talk about what we need to leave in the past? A key component to adding good things to your life successfully is ridding yourself of the past.
Feeling Hopeless? Say These 12 Things to Yourself Now.
Sometimes it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Self-talk is key when you’re feeling depleted and hopeless. Say these 12 things to yourself to help you envision better days ahead.