11 Things to Stop Doing ASAP (To Live a More Positive Life)

Eliminating negative habits is crucial for cultivating a well-balanced and joyful life as these habits can perpetuate stress, hinder personal growth, and drain our mental and emotional energy. By breaking free from these patterns, we create space for positivity, resilience, and a greater sense of overall well-being. While it may be hard to eliminate all of these things outright, these 11 things are things we can consciously try do do less of.

Here are 11 things to start cutting out of your life:

  1. Comparison

  2. Self-doubt

  3. Forcing

  4. Suppressing emotions

  5. Poor boundaries

  6. Perfectionism

  7. Saying “yes” when you want to say “no” dimming your light, shrinking yourself and shutting your mouth to make others feel comfortable

  8. Procrastinating

  9. Neglecting self-care

  10. Fear

    What else would you add? what are we doing less of, besties?


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