The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
Feeling Hopeless? Say These 12 Things to Yourself Now.
Sometimes it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Self-talk is key when you’re feeling depleted and hopeless. Say these 12 things to yourself to help you envision better days ahead.
9 Reminders For a Rainy Day (Because The Sun Will Always Comes Out Again)
Feel gloomy? Like a grey cloud is looming over you? It happens. And sometimes when it rains, it pours. Here are some reminders for those dreary days.
How To Help A Friend Who's Dealing With Depression
It can be heartbreaking to watch someone you love battle with this mental illness. It’s also not a rare experience – depression is the biggest cause of disability worldwide, thought to affect 300 million people, according to the World Health Organization. Here’s how you can help
6 Ways To Find The Silver Lining During The Age of Isolation + Quarantine
There’s a lot to be stressed about lately due to the coronavirus pandemic: Confirmed cases of COVID-19 keep rising, stock market volatility is causing panic, jobs are at risk and store shelves are emptying. But there’s a lot more at stake here than toilet paper. I’m talking about mental health, particularly for millennials.
9 Ways To Let Go of Regret (And Live a Happier Life STAT)
regret. it makes us believe that if we did things differently, things would be better right now. sometimes it’s true and other times it’s not. our relationship with regret can keep us stuck in the past and unable to make healthy decisions for the future.
11 Ways to Stay Positive During Difficult Times
A lot of people pride themselves on being optimists, and TBH, if you can stay positive with everything that’s going on in the world today, major props to you. Here are 11 mood-boosting strategies to help you be happier during difficult times.
Grief Doesn't Have an Expiration Date: Dealing With Painful Reminders of Loss
Grief doesn't magically end at a certain point after loss. When you lose a loved one, you might be faced with grief over your loss again and again — sometimes even years later. Feelings of grief might return on the anniversary of your loved one or other special days throughout the year.
Exercising Just *This Tiny Bit* Can Prevent Depression
Depression is one of the most common—and most stigmatized—illnesses of our time. To help people understand it, cope with it, and heal from it, it’s important that we talk about it regularly. Now, emerging research finds even more evidence that exercise can help ward off depression in some people. Let’s talk about why these findings are so promising…and why you might want to lace up your running shoes today.
Managing Stress + Anxiety with CBD and Sagely Naturals
Anxiety can be absolutely debilitating. With so many things in my life changing all at once, I can take all the help I can get when it comes to stress management. #SagelyNaturals creates products that give you all the benefits of CBD without any of the psychoactive effects. Sharing all about the Stress Treatment Roll-On that hasn’t left my purse and the rest the Tranquility Collection (that has been a a total breath of fresh air) on the blog. #SelfCareWithSagely
How To Find The Right Kind Of Therapy For You
Ready to take the big step towards actually seeing a therapist? CONGRATS! But, where do you even start? We’re here to help.
25 Famous Women Talk Anxiety + Depression Management
Anna Wintour, Miley, Cyrus, Kristen Bell, J.K. Rowling, Kerry Washington, and others on the ways they’ve managed their illnesses, the messages they would give their struggling younger selves, and the necessity of breaking down the silence that surrounds anxiety and depression.
8 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues
Seasonal depression is a thing and you need to fight it with these 8 simple tips
Depression Has Many Moods and Faces
Depression Has Many Moods and Faces. Depression can come in many forms and fluctuate from day to day, had to say about the changing face of depression in the comments.
What Helped Princess Diana Overcome Depression
Princess Diana Overcome Depression | Princess Diana; How she overcame depression and bulimia. The challenges Diana has overcome. Princess Diana overcame