Add Positivity to Your Day With Virtual Pep Talks


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Do you wake up happy, energized, and free of under-eye circles every single day? Even the (seemingly) happiest people have days that require multiple snooze alarms, espresso shots, and concealer, just like everyone else (even if their peppy Instagram posts paint a different picture). Sometimes life can be hard, even when you don’t have a tough day to tackle! It’s easy to get anxious or overwhelmed thinking about the thousands of things you have to get done, or get down on yourself if you tend to dwell on the last few rough days you had.

What turns my day around and keeps me going? Mantras and positive affirmations. Words hold a lot of meaning, so it’s important to choose wisely what you say to yourself each day. The right mantra has the power to motivate you to achieve your goals and make each and every day a great one.

The only real criteria for a solid mantra is that it revs you up and inspires you to tackle your to-do list like a boss. For some, high-energy words of empowerment make them feel like they can take on anything. Others prefer a phrase that makes them stop, be still, and reflect before springing into action.

Want to incorporate mantras for yourself, but not sure where to start? I’ve teamed up with my girl Alexa to create a Virtual Pep Talk that you can access from your Alexa-powered devices (I am in love with my Echo Show 5 and truly believe every single home needs one).


Virtual Pep Talk gives you access to a curated collection of my favorite mantras and inspirational quotes that help me get through each day with a positive mindset.

All you have to do is enable the Virtual Pep Talk Alexa Skill in the Alexa App and you’ll be on your way to serving up doses of positivity whenever you need it!

I created Virtual Pep Talk using Alexa Skill Blueprints. Alexa Skill Blueprints. are a way for you to customize your Alexa experience by adding personalized Alexa Skills and responses.


Personalized skills and responses make Alexa even more knowledgeable, delivering a delightful experience that is unique to you and your family. Want to create your own Alexa Skill Blueprint? It’s super easy and can be done in a few easy steps. From games at the next bachelorette party you’re planning to a household chore chart to on-boarding for new employees at your workplace, Alexa is ready to make your life a whole lot more efficient.


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