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I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
Build Your Confidence By Doing Your Small Business Taxes (Yes, You Heard Me Right) with H&R Block's Block Advisors
H&R Block’s purpose is to provide help and inspire confidence in communities everywhere. They believe that financial confidence begins with your tax refund. This past year, COVID-19 impacted us all in many ways – including our taxes. As you navigate your 2020 taxes, H&R Block has got you covered with help available online or in person from one of their highly trained tax professionals.
How To Get Your Stimulus Check By Direct Deposit
As American are still reeling over lost finances during the coronavirus pandemic, the promise of stimulus check payments is keeping many patiently waiting by their mailboxes. Checks are in the process of being mailed or deposited, now, though much about them is still quite unknown. While the process of receiving the government-approved amount of as much as $1,200 may take as little time as a few days from now or upwards of five months from today through mid-September, the Senate has already approved the $2 trillion bill drafted to aid those suffering financially in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic — the result of which has shut down businesses and caused many people to lose their jobs.
Improve Your Mental Health by Taking the Stress Out of Tax Season
TAX SEASON IS HERE, Y’ALL. Whether you’re a freelancer, in a monogamous relationship with your full time gig, juggle a full-time job and a freelance hustle, or own your own business—filing your taxes online can be straightforward AND save you money. Learn all about what I did to cut the stress and get ahead with H&R Block.
Avoid The Holiday Season Financial Stress With These 3 Tips (And An App That'll Literally Save Your Bank Account)
Juggling all that holiday shopping, dinner party throwing, and covering your entire apartment in a sea of glitter and string lights on top of your regular day-to-day routine can quickly turn the most wonderful time of the year into the most stressful…especially for your bank account.
How To Keep Your Finances From Getting Destroyed While You’re Changing Careers
Dream-chasing can be costly, y’all. You need these money saving tips to help while you transition your career.
5 Easy Steps to Help You Start Saving Money Today
Need to get smarter with your money, but have no clue where to start? I’ve got 5 tips that’ll help you create a budget you can actually stick to.
5 Simple Tips To Help You Save Cash For That Down Payment On Your First Home
Buying your first home is easier than you think when you follow these 5 simple tips from Real Estate Broker, Christina Khosrowabadi