The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
Gen Z’s Guide to Navigating Corporate America
So, you're a Gen Z icon about to dive into the world of suits, ties, and coffee breaks? Corporate America can feel like a whole different planet. But fear not! Your girl's got the tea, and I'm spilling all the deets for a smooth transition. Let's get into it!
5 tips for a Great LinkedIn Profile When You’re Looking for a Job
Whether you are actively looking for another job or you’re just open to hearing about different opportunities, your LinkedIn profile is key. Here are 5 ways to make sure your profile is killer.
How To Make Your Resume Standout (Straight from a Recruiter)
Throughout my career as a recruiter, I’ve interviewed hundreds of candidates and reviewed thousands of resumes. I’ve seen it all. From the dreaded use of Comic Sans to a resume that was NINE pages long. NINE. I’ve also seen some really beautiful, concise, and creative resumes. Along the way, I’ve picked up on what makes for a bad resume, a good one, and a resume that really stands out from the rest.
6 Tips To Make Sure You Nail That Job Interview
You’ve landed that job interview, but now you actually need to nail it and get the job. Here are 6 tips to help you get the job of your dreams.
9 Things You Can Do To Have A Super Productive Week
There’s got to be a way to fool-proof your M-F and make sure it’s efficient AF, right?! So, I’ve put together a list of 9 things you can do to help you have a super productive week.
What's The Glass Cliff? 7 Ways Female Business Leaders Can Avoid Falling Off.
The glass ceiling is a real, invisible barrier women face in the workforce as they try to climb the corporate ladder. Even after this ceiling is shattered, women are then introduced to the glass cliff.
How To Keep Your Finances From Getting Destroyed While You’re Changing Careers
Dream-chasing can be costly, y’all. You need these money saving tips to help while you transition your career.
Advice on Changing Careers No Matter What Your Situation
Does your job leave you feeling more dreary than watching paint dry? If so, it’s probably time for a career pivot.
7 Tips to Discover Work-Life Balance
Healthy work-life balance | Sometimes it feels like success can't be achieved without having to sacrifice everything else, but work life balance is something we should fight for.