5 Morning Habits That'll Make You Feel Like the Badass You Already Are

5 Morning Habits That'll Make You Feel Like the Badass You Already Are

We all need to reset our minds from time to time...whether we're recovering from a crisis, an illness, a bad breakup or just the uncertainty that the everyday can bring. According to trainer Christmas Abbott, this reset can happen in a short 30 days. While that might feel pretty fast to some, Abbott is a confident boss babe who we can all learn a few things from. 

In her new book, “The Badass Life” she tells all about the 30 day plan to implement suggested good habits into all areas of your life. Focusing on making positive changes in nutrition, work, as well as mental and spiritual health. 

And guess what? Everything starts with having a few good morning habits (much to my dismay because I am SO not a morning person, like, I'm actually the antithesis of a morning person). She advises everyone to do so because the key to success is always strongly related to routine and structure.

So, here are the 5 things you should do daily - to increase your confidence and empower yourself to be the badass you are. 


We all have the intention to hit that snooze button (errr...like 14x for me) in the morning. According to Abbott that's not a total faux pas, as long as you prep your mind for what’s going to happen during the day, while enjoying those last few moments in bed. So, her advice is to set an intention for your day and always remember to be grateful for a new day, and a new chance to become a better version of you.


Many people are too busy or too lazy to have breakfast (#guilty). Skipping breakfast doesn't just have a negative effect on your physical health, but also on your mental health. The truth is that, as Abbott confirms, breakfast is “the calm before the storm”. You have no idea what your day might bring, do you? But nothing and nobody can take the control you have over your breakfast.

Nobody wants to see you hangry, so why not avoid that and any implication it might bring? When it comes to what to eat for breakfast, there is no strict recipe. Keep it healthy and protein rich. Abbott suggests fruit and eggs topped with peanut butter (*skeptical emoji*). But, what can I say? Different strokes for different folks…as long as it has protein and healthy fats, right? 

5 Morning Habits That'll Make You Feel Like the Badass You Already Are


Abbott takes full advantage of her mirror and, with a permanent marker (which supposedly comes off mirrors, but why not just stick to dry erase...amirite?!) she writes down her goals. You don’t have to write your “to do list” for a certain day, but your short and long term goals. 

What does she do when she makes something happen? Rather than erasing it, Abbott marks it as accomplished and takes time to celebrate her success and mentally prepare before moving  on to the next thing. This makes perfect sense: why should you forget all about the great things you do? Celebrate success, y'all! 


Some people read while commuting, others listen to music or check their Instagram feeds. Meditation is the key to success. Positive thoughts and internal solitude can give you a great beginning each day.

A therapist I adore gave me the golden advice of walking to work 2x a week (my walk to work is about 45 minutes each way) with my phone out of sight and speaking positive affirmations, focusing on things I'm grateful for and/or listening to a podcast (more on my favorites later). I also love, love, love the Headspace app for mindful meditation. This advice has been an absolute game changer for me, setting my intentions and gaining perspective for the day ahead. When I walk home after work, I notice I sleep so much better because I've had time to decompress and process all that happened during the work day. 

I love what Abbott has chosen to put on the dashboard of her car - “Do today what others won’t, so tomorrow you can do what others can’t." There is so much power in positivity - find what works for you and make it a daily practice. 


A good strategy can always get things done better and of course, faster. So, Abbott’s advice is to make a list of everything you want to get done, in the order of their importance. Of course, things you need to do should come before the ones you want to do.

Not only will this help you become more efficient, but seeing everything you completed won’t make you feel bad about something you just couldn’t do. Sometimes you just have to cut yourself a break. 

Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

5 morning habits that'll make you feel like the badass you already are

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