The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
9 Reminders For a Rainy Day (Because The Sun Will Always Comes Out Again)
Feel gloomy? Like a grey cloud is looming over you? It happens. And sometimes when it rains, it pours. Here are some reminders for those dreary days.
Managing Stress + Anxiety with CBD and Sagely Naturals
Anxiety can be absolutely debilitating. With so many things in my life changing all at once, I can take all the help I can get when it comes to stress management. #SagelyNaturals creates products that give you all the benefits of CBD without any of the psychoactive effects. Sharing all about the Stress Treatment Roll-On that hasn’t left my purse and the rest the Tranquility Collection (that has been a a total breath of fresh air) on the blog. #SelfCareWithSagely
8 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues
Seasonal depression is a thing and you need to fight it with these 8 simple tips