The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
The Ultimate Mascara Guide: Mascaras That You Need to Try ASAP
The best and only mascara guide you’ll ever need with drug-store and high-end options.
Everything You Need From The Sephora Spring Savings Sale
Because everyone wants to know what ride-or-die products you’re restocking for the Sephora Sale.
Gift Guide: for the Beauty Obsessed Babe in Your Life
The beauty obsessesed babe in your life has every single one of these best-selling items on their wishlist.
The 12 Fenty Beauty Products You Need To Own Now
Rihanna Reviewed: The 12 Fenty Beauty Products You Need to Own Now
Alessia Cara Went Makeup-Free & Empowered Us All
Alessia Cara Makeup | You can be natural. You can have a full face of makeup. You can be skinny or fat or short or tall. There is no definition for beautiful. There is no right or wrong way.