The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
Managing Stress + Anxiety with CBD and Sagely Naturals
Anxiety can be absolutely debilitating. With so many things in my life changing all at once, I can take all the help I can get when it comes to stress management. #SagelyNaturals creates products that give you all the benefits of CBD without any of the psychoactive effects. Sharing all about the Stress Treatment Roll-On that hasn’t left my purse and the rest the Tranquility Collection (that has been a a total breath of fresh air) on the blog. #SelfCareWithSagely
Boost Your Immunity and Wellness with Essential Oils
Incorporate essential oils in your daily life to boost your mood and immunity with tips from Melody Brandon of @obsessedwithessentials
5 Essential Oils That Help You Sleep
Blonde Hair | Besides being unable to properly function and keep your eyes open at your day job, lack of sleep can also have terrible effects on your mood. Fight off insomnia with essential oils.