10 Ways To Take Your Power Back
…because absolutely no one can make you feel inferior without your permission 💪🏻
1. BE INTENTIONAL about what you watch, think, surround yourself with and ingest.
2. IF IT COMES, LET IT. IF IT GOES, LET IT. Don’t force yourself on what isn’t meant for you. Stop wanting what doesn’t want you.
3. ASSUME THE WISH FULFILLED. Begin believing that absolutely nothing is “too good” for you.
4. TRUST THE TIMING OF YOUR LIFE. Don’t let the internet rush you. I’d say a cool 95% don’t post their failures.
5. YOU DO YOU. Be committed to choosing what is best for YOU and accept that you don’t owe anyone an explanation for prioritizing your needs.
6. ADJUST YOUR FOCUS towards your creative pursuits, professional achievements or anything else that would make you feel good. Remember that you give power to what you focus on.
7. STOP COMPLAINING. When you complain, you feel both innocent and victimized. And when you assume a position of a victim, you start believing that you have no power in the matter, and that you’re not responsible for anything.
8. IDENTIFY YOUR TRIGGERS. When you do, they’ll become much more manageable. What triggers you? Is it when someone is critical of you, when you’re ignored or when you feel controlled? Ask yourself, “Why is this triggering me? What past experience is the blueprint of that trigger?” Be as honest as possible, and with time you will be able to “disarm” your triggers.
9. ESTABLISH BOUNDARIES. Figure out what you can live with, and what you can’t and won’t accept ever.
10. LET THAT $#^% GO. Holding a grudge is a sure way to continue feeding into the victim consciousness. It adds zero value to your life while robbing you of peace and joy. So here’s how to let go of past hurts: express your feelings FULLY. Don’t hold back – talk, cry, write in a journal, beat up a pillow – whatever works for you. Let it OUT.