The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
The Top Makeup Products You Need To Look Good In Your Zoom Conference Calls
Getting ready for the day all of the sudden feels extremely daunting and, obviously, useless. WTF is the point? Yes, most of us that are lucky enough to still have work are using Zoom for video conference calls, but it feels stupid to pretend like we are doing anything but sitting on our couches in our PJ’s. None of us feel cute right now. Here’s what you need to look your WFH best.
How to be Productive While Working from Home
When you’re working from your own home, a lot of distractions can pop up, taking you away from your work. Over the years, I’ve noticed a few things that have helped me stay on task while working from home and I’m sharing all my tips with you.
9 Things You Can Do To Have A Super Productive Week
There’s got to be a way to fool-proof your M-F and make sure it’s efficient AF, right?! So, I’ve put together a list of 9 things you can do to help you have a super productive week.
How to Work From Home (And Actually Get $#*T Done)
Even if you're organized, focused and motivated, there are distractions and other challenges that can get in the way of productivity when it comes to making the transition to working from home. I’ve got the tips you need to make the transition seamless!