The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
Girly in Gingham
BRB going to a clam bake in Nantucket. JK I’ve never been to a clam bake or Nantucket, but gingham has me feelin’ all the summer vibes.
50 Shoes Under $50 That You Need This Summer
Your favorite pair of jeans will fail to forgive you when your weight fluctuates, but your shoes remain a constant confidante. Here are my favorite kicks of the Summer, all under $50 so you can treat yourself to a pair (or four) without feeling too bad.
The Best Fruit Forward Fashion
I love fruit and I love the way I instantly think of summertime when I see fresh cut fruit. Fruit forward fashion is all the rage RN and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Shop the fruitiest looks at Girl & The Bay.
The Best Spring Floral Fashion
Spring showers bring wardrobe flowers! Shop spring fashion.