The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
How to Write A Great Cover Letter
Writing a cover letter can be dreadful, so we’ve simplified the process in this easy-to-digest breakdown, giving you everything you need to know to write a cover letter worth reading.
How To Make Your Resume Standout (Straight from a Recruiter)
Throughout my career as a recruiter, I’ve interviewed hundreds of candidates and reviewed thousands of resumes. I’ve seen it all. From the dreaded use of Comic Sans to a resume that was NINE pages long. NINE. I’ve also seen some really beautiful, concise, and creative resumes. Along the way, I’ve picked up on what makes for a bad resume, a good one, and a resume that really stands out from the rest.
Why You Should 100% Send That Thank You Note After A Job Interview
Because you should never question the power of a "thank you"