The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
Build Your Confidence By Doing Your Small Business Taxes (Yes, You Heard Me Right) with H&R Block's Block Advisors
H&R Block’s purpose is to provide help and inspire confidence in communities everywhere. They believe that financial confidence begins with your tax refund. This past year, COVID-19 impacted us all in many ways – including our taxes. As you navigate your 2020 taxes, H&R Block has got you covered with help available online or in person from one of their highly trained tax professionals.
The Habits of Highly Successful Women
A visual breakdown of the habits of highly successful women
Turning Your Dreams Into a Reality With These 3 Simple Steps
Ready to make your dreams a reality? I’ve got a 3-step-plan that’s going to help you get there.