10 Signs That You May Be Feeling Like You're Just Not Good Enough

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…which btw is a total lie bc you’re more than enough just as you are, but insecurity is a feeling and once we recognize it, we can learn to move past it and tap into our most confident self.

1. Frequently worrying and/or obsessing over what others think.

2. Minimizing the accomplishments of others (remember, blowing out someone’s candle doesn’t make yours burn brighter)⁣.

3. Allowing people to mistreat you.

4. Exaggerating, embellishing the truth and/or lying about who you are, what you do and what you have.

5. Persistently feeling like you just don’t measure up. Insecure people feel like they are always being judged, and not for who they truly are. This is often because they see themselves as inferior, and can’t understand how other people would see them as anything else (how can you expect someone to love you if you don’t love yourself, boo?)⁣.

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6. Avoiding hanging out and spending time with people who you perceive are doing better than you.

7. Fishing for compliments to affirm you and make you feel better (trust me, this is a bandaid — no one can make you feel worthy other than you)⁣.

8. Having trouble saying “no” because you think people will like you better if you say “yes”⁣.

9. Constantly seeking validation from others.

10. Spending way too much time in your head. You put yourself down, thinking the worst of yourself and others. By living in all this negativity, you’re missing out on the best of life and unable to see the good in the people around them, or the beauty in their daily lives.

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If you relate to any of the above, I want you to know you have what it takes. You are strong enough. You are brave enough. You are capable enough. You are worthy enough. It’s time to stop thinking otherwise and start believing in yourself because nobody else has the dreams you do or sees the world like you. It’s time to start believing in your dreams—not next year, not next month, not next week or even tomorrow. ⁣


Your Virtual BFF⁣


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