8 Ways to Give Back This Holiday Season (Spoiler: Alexa makes it really easy)

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While the world is full of people in need year-round (especially THIs year), no time is that more apparent than during the holiday season. For every smiling family curled up around a warm fireplace and a massive pile of presents under the tree, there are others who have no fire, no gifts, and sometimes, even no family or home at all. Of course, we all want to help those in need, and we know the holidays are the season of giving, but they're also the season of spending. If you're wondering, "How can I give back this year and get gifts for everyone on my list?" fortunately, there are plenty of ways to help out during the holidays that don't cost a thing. And, to make matters way easier, Amazon’s Alexa is able to help you save a whole lot of time and be more efficient when it comes to giving back.

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So, whether it's through donation or action, you can help someone whose spirits might need a little extra lifting this holiday season. If you don't know where to start, I've rounded up several unique and easy ways to give back throughout the holiday season (all utilizing my favorite personal AI assistant, Alexa).

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Donate to Toys for Tots. With Alexa, you can donate to a child in need. It’s THAT easy! To donate, you can simply say, “Alexa, donate to Toys for Tots,” and Alexa will present a reasonably priced item appropriate for kids across a broad range of ages from the Toys for Tots Charity List. You can choose whether you would like to donate money or a toy from the Toys for Tots wish list, and follow the prompts on your device to complete your donation. If you choose to donate a toy, Amazon will match your donation! That's it - you're done! Yeah, it's that easy. We'll handle the rest, including shipping your donation to Toys for Tots if you choose to donate an item. After confirming your order, Amazon ships it directly to Toys for Tots.

I’m participating in a Toy Drive with Toys for Tots with a few of my friends Caila Quinn, Andrea Pion Pierre, Cheralee Lyle, Jasmine Elias and Christine Tran Ferguson. To give back to children in New York City, donate a toy to our Toy Drive.


Give back to communities who have had a rough year. Being from California, it has been difficult to see the devastation the families there have experienced due to the wildfires. The Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County is doing an incredible job of making sure that those impacted by the CZU fires are being well loved and provided for as they rebuild their lives.

Each year, the The Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County brings together 25 partner programs to nominate a diverse group of families from every corner of their county who could use a little extra care and connection during the holiday season. This year, in response to the CZU Lightning Wildfires, there is are so many more families who either lost their homes entirely or have been displaced due to the fire. They are committed to providing grocery store gift cards, essential items (including coats), and yes - toys! - to over 500 families. You can give back to this incredible organization and the families who have been impacted by choosing items from their Amazon Wishlist.

Set up a holiday food drive. Get your neighbors together and start a neighborhood food drive. Make sure to check out Feeding America’s tips for the perfect holiday food drive and help your local food bank with what they need most. Then in the weeks leading up to the holidays, encourage your neighbors and family to help make a difference in your community. You can collect funds and place an order for what your local food bank needs most by asking Alexa (on any Alexa-powered device by Amazon) to add the items to your Amazon Prime Now order. It can be delivered directly to the food bank or shelter of your choice (making for contactless delivery to keep everyone as healthy as possible).

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Teach your kids about hunger and poverty statistics. Take a moment to remind your kids that they have a lot to be grateful for, while also encouraging empathy for others by teaching them about children who are facing hunger. Ask Alexa to share more about world hunger, childhood hunger and hunger statistics in the US. The statistics are sobering, but knowledge is power and propels us into action.

Give a gift that gives back. We can’t ignore that this is the season for giving, and often that results in an endless search of gifts for loved ones. This year, consider donating to charities like Feeding America, No Kid Hungry, Toys for Tots, Trevor Project or any other one that you connect with in honor of your friends and family. You will be spreading the love twice as far by giving back to families who are in need and giving your loved one a meaningful gift. You can also Alexa to help you find a charity based on your loved one’s interests (for example, if you were giving a gift in my name, you could say “Alexa, what are some charities that I can donate to for Suicide Prevention?”)


Volunteer! Grow your heart three sizes this year by giving just a few hours of your time to your local food bank or food pantry. It won’t cost you anything, but the feeling of helping your neighbors in need during the holiday season is priceless. Ask Alexa to search for local holiday volunteer opportunities.

Express your gratitude. Nothing gets you in the spirit of giving than when you realize how grateful you are. Cultivating a spirit of gratitude is the first step to being more thankful, therefore more charitable. I love these Alexa Skills (and they’re free!): Gratitude Journal and Gratitude Affirmations.


Make a difference online. There are lots of ways that you can help those in need from the comfort of your own laptop. You can add choose from over 1 million charities on Amazon Smile. Thousands of charities created AmazonSmile Charity Lists of items they need right now — simply browse, order, and enjoy giving. You can also shop at smile.amazon.com and Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to your favorite charitable organization—no fees and no extra cost to you. Your actions may inspire friends and family to join you in giving back this holiday season.


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